
How to feel better in your own home

How you arrange your home, this is how you feel in it. Your house is the place where you spend your precious time. A messy, crowded and messy house will negatively affect your mood. And that’s what you do not need! Here are some tips that will help you feel better, more comfortable in your own home:

Use cushions instead of hard and awkward sofas/chairs. When you come from work, you want to relax. Your muscles and bones will not relax if you sit on a chair or on a hard sofa. Add some soft pillows that will be molded according to the need of your spine and hips.

Forget about the mirror. The mirror is necessary, but only when you dress up, do your make up etc. If you’re obsessed with your own look and don’t want to make all sorts of pessimistic scenarios, cover the mirror most of the time. It’s no big deal to uncover it when you need it. If you continue to criticize the way you look, your self-esteem will decrease. So is the motivation.

Be sure you have natural light in the home. A dark house means negative energy and black thoughts. Natural light revives and sustains the natural rhythms of the body. Let the windows open and try to have as much contact with nature as possible.

Bring some plants in your home. Flowers cleanse the air of impurities and thus help you reduce the daily stress that you accumulate during the day.

Do not forget about the cleaning. Dirt affects you both mentally and physically. Dust, mold, dampness etc. all affect your immune system. Even if you don’t realize it, the unhealthy look of the house will transform you sooner or later into a depressed person. Also, when you clean the house, you eliminate all the negative energy!

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