
How to fix cracked glass using garlic

Did your favorite flower vase crack? Well, you knew you could fix it with a clove of garlic?  We all have in the kitchen garlic, a tasty ingredient that turns any food into a delicious dish! But do you know that garlic is a miracle in everyone’s house? It has many uses you didn’t know, including repairing broken glass.

You’ve probably noticed that garlic is sticky when you cut it. This is due to the sugar compound. With this compound, we can form a natural glue, used to fix more objects in the house.

Let’s see how you can fix a cracked glass using garlic. Take a garlic clove and cut it half. Then rub with the cut part the cracked area of the glass and remove the excess of sticky juice with a napkin.

You will notice that the whole crack is filled with glue, and this will prevent the crack from expanding. You can also use this trick for your windscreen of the car until you will replace it with a new one. See? Garlic is not only used in the kitchen, but it can also help us with other household repairs!

Repeat the operation whenever needed. By washing it, the garlic will be removed and a new application is required.

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