
How to remove permanent marker stains from clothes

If your clothes, or most likely you child clothes are stained with a permanent market, don’t be impatient because there are a number of ways to remove them. In this article, I will present you 6 fast and effective ways to remove these stains at home.

1. Apply acetone on a cotton pad and apply it on the marker stains on the clothes. Then wiped with a clean cloth to remove the impregnating stains from clothes.

2. Use salt in the washing machine instead of laundry detergent. This method helps to reduce marker stains and overtime, to completely remove them.

3. Apply fixative spray on the stains with a paper tissue underneath. The fixative will penetrate the stain and will transfer it to the napkin.

4. Use a special stain removal spray, especially if the material is thicker. Put a paper tissue under the stain and the special spray will transfer it from the material oh the tissue.

5. Use a mixture of lemon and tartar cream, applied generously on the stained areas and surrounding areas. Let the mix act and wash the cloth in a standard washing cycle.

6. You can also use toothpaste, applied with a towel, by rubbing on the stained areas by the permanent marker. This is an amazing way to remove stains from your clothes.

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