
How to use your hand to measure portion size

Although we use our hands to measure rice, for example, we can use this method and to serve different types of food. When we are on diet, one of the most important things to consider is the amount of food consumed throughout the day.

Although many people are already accustomed to measuring their portions, there are still some who don’t know exactly how to proceed.

The size of the clenched fist

The size of the clenched fist should be used to measure portions of carbohydrate-rich foods, such as:

• Pasta;
• Rice;
• Potatoes;
• Bread.

The size of the palm

-It is proved that the size of the palm can be used to calculate the ideal amount of fruit you need to consume daily.

Also, the gap between the wrist and the tips of the fingers indicates the recommended dose of high-protein foods, such as lentils.

Hands close to each other

If you hold both hands together, forming a bowl, you can measure the portion of vegetables recommended for daily consumption.

The index finger near the middle one

You can calculate the ideal amount of cheese you should eat in one day by measuring your index and middle finger glued to each other.

The size of the first phalanx of the thumb

This amount is recommended for both fats and carbohydrates. It should be noted that these food groups should be consumed in moderation.

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