
Mom slices up a sponge and shares brilliant cleaning tricks that go viral

I’m definitely using these ideas.

Household items can be pretty challenging to clean. How many times have you struggled with cleaning a fan? Maybe you even took it apart to wipe the dust off properly?! Forget all that trouble.

TikTok mom, who goes by the username wonderlife.foryou, shared an effortless but impressive home hack with her 6.4 million followers. The trick is to cut a sponge to put it to the best use. Do you want to know how? Stay tuned; we’ve got you covered.

Believe it or not, but this trick is more versatile than you can imagine. It is ideal for cleaning windows, sliding door tracks, sinks, glasses, etc.

More than 75k TikTok users have already shared the hack, and most of them commented that they couldn’t believe that no one thought of cutting a sponge before. Well, someone might have used it before, but now it’s viral.

Most importantly, the sponge hack is effortless, affordable, and it only takes a couple of minutes.

Minimal supplies include one old sponge, a marker, a knife, and some soap and water.

Take the cleaning sponge that you usually use around the kitchen.

Now, take a sharp knife, a scalpel, or anything similar and cut the lines down the sponge. Be careful, don’t cut the sponge all the way through. The goal is to make the sponge more flexible so that you can bend it any way you want.

Why? Once you cut several lines inside the yellow side of the sponge, you’ll be able to curve it, attach it to a stick, and it will fit inside the glass much better. Isn’t that clever?!

When it comes to cleaning the window (or door) track, you have to mark the sponge for optimal results.

We all know that window and door tracks aren’t flat. That’s why it’s so hard to clean inside the track, and the accumulated dirt inside can be very gross. However, the solution is straightforward. Put the sponge on the track, and mark where each piece of track is.

That’s where you’ll cut the sponge. Try fitting the sponge inside the window track, and watch how all the dirt goes away in one move. Just push it down the track. Of course, you’ll wet the sponge in warm, soapy water before cleaning.

Once the sponge gets to the end of the track, expect debris and dirt at that end.

Don’t worry, though. Just vacuum the debris out, and you’re good to go. You can use the same principle for cleaning the fan. Cut the sponge, and the cleaning will go much faster.

“This makes too much sense” is one of the thousands of comments. We agree; the hack is unbelievably easy, almost fun.

As always, funny comments are unavoidable.

“Where are SpongeBob’s lawyers?” We laughed so hard at the comment involving our beloved SquarePants. Creative tricks combined with creative jokes-what else do we need?! Wait, there is more. If you want to have a permanently soapy sponge, cut a pocket inside it.

Then, put a bar of soap in the hole you’ve just cut. That’s it. Every time you wet the sponge, the soap inside will instantly do the magic.

How cool is that?

We know cleaning is tedious and completely unexciting. Then again, these tricks proves that you can make everything a little simpler with some creativity.

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