
Powerful Anti Wrinkle Face Mask, Yogurt, Lemon Juice and Sandalwood Recipe

This is the best face pack to brighten skin tone and also give it a lighter shade. The mixture is also praised for its powerful anti-wrinkle effects.

Note: Please keep in mind that a magic mixture that when applied erases all the wrinkles doesn’t exist on this planet. To minimize the wrinkles, you need to adopt a well-desinged skin care regimen. Apply this mixture as directed, avoid exposure to sunlight, and if you are a smoker, quit it right now.

One tablespoon of yogurt, preferably organic.
One teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice
One tablespoon of sandalwood powder.
Mix the three ingredients together and apply on your face. Massage your face well so that the nutrients of the three ingredients sink deep inside and get absorbed by your skin. Let it dry and then wash it off. This facemask is best when you feel your skin is getting dull.

Lemon has natural skin brightening properties whereas yogurt has lactic acid which moisturizes the skin. Sandalwood is a magical ingredient that has innumerable benefits and is used a lot in Ayurveda. Once you rinse your face it will turn out to be brighter and healthier.

Two great skincare products to have have in your beauty closet
While there are tons of skincare products out in the market, these two products especially caught our attention due to their effectiveness and usefulness.

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