
Signs that you have sun allergy

Allergies can occur for different reasons, and if some people develop common allergies,  to pollen or dust, others suffer from strange allergies. This list also includes sun allergy.

When developing a certain allergy, people are advised to give up on what can harm them. If in the case of food allergies or those caused by dust or pollen, things are simple. The situation is complicated when it comes to sun allergy. However, there are several ways in which the skin can be protected to prevent unpleasant manifestations

How do you know if you have a sun allergy?
Sun allergy can be ignored for a long time, precisely because people don’t think that the sun could be a trigger for an allergic reaction. In fact, this is really happening and it is very important that the symptoms are recognized quickly.

What are the symptoms of sun allergy?
As with any other disease, sun allergy presents certain specific symptoms, which makes the diagnosis much easier for the specialist doctor. The main symptoms are itching, pain, irritated skin, rashes, small blisters, but also chills, headaches, nausea or vomiting. Because certain symptoms are common with those seen in the case of insolation, doctors warn that the two conditions shouldn’t be confused.

Unpleasant symptoms appear after sun exposure, even after only a few minutes. In some cases, allergy to the sun may also occur after certain medications are given, which make the skin more sensitive.

How can you control the sun allergy?
Sun allergy can be controlled by gradually exposing to sunlight and avoiding the interval between 10:00- 16:00. To avoid unpleasant manifestations, contact with sunlight should be made daily, so that the skin becomes accustomed to the sun’s rays. Clothes that protect the skin and accessories are essential for those who have this problem, especially during the summer. Also, creams with the highest sun protection factor should be used all the time.

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