
Signs that your stomach is full of toxins

When the stomach is suffering, this problem is reflected throughout the body. A healthy stomach is something that all people must aspire to, because otherwise the whole body will suffer.

Everyone is at some point experiencing pain with cramps, flatulence or constipation, and if don’t take measures, the food is not the only one to blame, but something much more serious.

When many toxins accumulate, the stomach becomes sick. And behind the stomach pain are several diseases. Among them, the most dangerous are: biliary lithiasis, diverticulitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, endometriosis, appendicitis.

Also, other diseases manifested by stomach pains are: pancreatitis, lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance, thyroid disorders and pelvic inflammatory disease.

Doctors recommend regular bowel cleansing. Loaded with toxins, the intestines affected by this situation can adversely affect the ability of all surrounding organs. People who don’t regularly detox may face skin problems, excess weight, but also can face immune system diseases.

Fortunately, the body gives a few signals when there are problems with digestion and, therefore, we need to be very careful. All of these foods help to cleanse the stomach and intestines.

Here are the main symptoms that the stomach and intestines are full of toxins:

First, digestive problems, acid reflux, bad breath, bloating and pain.

Another symptom is weight gain without obvious reasons, despite a proper diet.

The third sign is a state of stress or nervousness, as well as loss of memory or forgetting common things.

The need to consume a lot of sugar, allergies, psoriasis, acne and bone aches can also be related to stomach or bowel problems.

Foods that are recommended to clean the stomach and intestines of toxins
Therefore, immediate action must be taken. Eating cabbage, kefir, yogurt and prebiotics can help a lot. Also, doctors recommend the following foods: salmon, asparagus, carrots, onions, garlic, beans and leeks.

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