
Surprising ice uses for a healthy body

When you admire the impeccable skins of the stars, surely you think they use expensive and elaborate treatments. Well, find out that you can some simple but extremely effective tricks you can use at home, you will enjoy some spoiling moments and the problems of the skin disappear like magic.

Ice produces vasoconstriction – It’s enough to take a cube of ice and massage your face with circular motions. This is a simple and effective method that helps to reduce pores. If you use this trick every day, you will notice that within a maximum of one week you will get rid of the dilated pores.

Forget about dark circles – This problem gives headaches to many people, but now you’ve found the solution. Apply an ice cube or bag tea from the refrigerator under your eyes. The miracle will not be delayed. Any swelling in your face will instantly disappear,  as soon as you put the ice on it.

Treat pimples with ice – The unsightly pimples that can be painful. The pain disappears after applying ice on them. In addition, once the ice is applied to the face, if you have to apply makeup, you will notice that it will last longer. Once you try this trick you will use it all your life.

Cellulite gives you headaches? Use with confidence the ice cube massage 3 times a week, so the visible cellulite effect to be diminished. You can use an ice bag to make it easier for you and for at least 20 minutes, massage the affected areas. Once the skin comes in contact with the ice, it cools down and the fat cells begin to melt. In addition, this trick is also beneficial for blood circulation.

Important! The greatest secret in combating the unsightly orange peel is the combination of methods. One and the most important is a change that starts from the inside, and that is your daily diet. Then, use body therapies like massage, without forgetting to exercise, at least 30 minutes each day.

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