
The 5 rules of eyelash extensions you need to follow

Who doesn’t want a penetrating look and perfect and long eyelashes without ever applying the mascara? If you opted for eyelashes extensions, you need to know more about their care and what are rules you need to follow.

1. Avoid water in the first 24 hours
No, you don’t have to stay away from water from all points of view, just to protect your eyes. If you need to remove your makeup, use cotton pads or napkins and avoid the eye area. You should also avoid the shower because it’s easy to forget that you don’t have to get close to the water in the area of ​​your eyes, so choose to relax better by taking a bath with foam.

2. Use lukewarm water
After 24 hours you can also wash the eye area, but always use a warm, not very hot water. If the water is too hot, it will make the adhesive to melt. In addition, it’s always advisable to have a medium temperature because the hot water dries the skin.

3. Don’t use oil-based products
Beware of oil-based products. Whether it’s a biphasic make-up remover, oil-based, eyeliner or mascara, the oil shouldn’t be in contact with your eyelashes extensions. This ingredient can destroy the bond between eyelashes, weakening the strength of the adhesive. So avoid these products if you don’t want your wonderful eyelashes to disappear after a day.

4. Don’t use waterproof mascara
We assume that the reason you spent two hours at the salon to put your eyelashes extensions was from your desire to have perfect eyelashes, so why to use mascara? If the eyelashes have started falling and you have a few days before you go to replace them, it’s OK, but always choose a version that is not waterproof.

5. Give up the pliers 

Beware of the pliers for the eyelashes. You don’t want to break them, so it would be better to leave them natural, especially if they are applied correctly, they are quite curved.

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