
Therapeutic benefits of cat’s purr

Playful and beautiful pets, cats are also therapists. The vibrations sound they emit during the purr, reduce stress, lower tension, and their benefits don’t stop here. Let’s find out the therapeutic benefits of a cat’s purr.

It has a calming effect – Purr therapy stimulates the release of oxytocin, the love hormone that relaxes the nervous system. The sounds produced during the purr are perceived at eardrum level and the nerve endings at the surface of the skin, generating a good state of the whole body.

Reduces the risk of heart attack – The risk of a heart attack is reduced considerably in the case of cat owners because the purr prevents hypertension, a cause of heart attack. After a study at the University of Minnesota, it was found that of the 4,000 participants only those who had a cat as a pet showed a 30% lower risk of heart attack.

Helps the bone system – In the studies of the cat’s purr, it was found that it would help to maintain the health of the bone system, the frequencies emitted accelerating the healing of fractures, joint injuries, and also relaxing the muscles.

Reduces the risk of depression – It has been found that the cat’s purr positively affects the emotional or mental state. For this reason, the cat is considered to be the most suitable pet for those who are going through an emotionally harder period.

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