
These 4 masks will accelerate hair growth

Does it seem that your hair refuses to grow? The solution is to regularly prepare hair masks with natural ingredients rich in nutrients that will help your hair to grow quickly. The most effective ingredients for these types of masks are castor oil, olive oil, almond oil, coconut oil, eggs, rosemary tea, bananas, yoghurt and honey.

1. Banana hair mask
Bananas are an important source of potassium, vitamins A, E and C, nutrients that make them perfect for hair masks. How do you prepare the mask? Mix 1 banana with 2 tablespoons of almond oil. Apply the mask on your hair and let it act for 20 minutes. Treatment will give you the best results if you apply it once a week for a month.

2. Mustard hair mask
Mix a tablespoon of mustard powder with a little water so you can obtain a paste. Add 3 tablespoons of olive oil and one egg. Continue to mix and apply the mask on hair and let it act for 20-30 minutes. This treatment shouldn’t be repeated more than once a week. It should be repeated for after a period of 5-7 weeks.

3. Castor oil and honey hair mask
Castor oil is one of the best oils for hair and it helps to fortify and regenerate hair. Mix in a bowl 4 tablespoons of honey and two tablespoons of castor oil. Apply the mask on your hair and leave it to act for 30 minutes, then shampoo and rinse it thoroughly. Honey has anti-bacterial properties and will treat the scalp, and castor oil will speed hair growth and give it firmness.

4. Olive oil and egg yolk hair mask
Rich in protein, vitamins and fatty acids, egg yolks make the hair brighter and help it grow faster. For this mask, you need 2 egg yolks and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Massage the scalp and hair thoroughly with this mixture, wait for 15-20 minutes, then shampoo and rinse very well.

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