
Things You Should NEVER Do On A First Date

If you are a lucky person  and finally the guy you like invited you to go out and decided to have a date to you and not to know you only online, be careful not to sabotage your happiness. The first date is very important and it matters a lot for the impression you will leave to your potential partner.

In addition to master your emotions and to be just who you are, you have to take into account some aspects that become a habit today.

Don’t  be late –  It is said that women can be late, but this doesn’t apply on a first date. If you are late, your date partner will think that don’t care about him and you are not punctual, an aspect that many men doesn’t appreciate it.  Time is precious for everyone. So don’t let him wait for you. It’s better to get 5 minutes earlier than later.

Don’t play on the phone –  You went to that date to spend time with a potential partner. Time should be used in your favor, because you need to know as much as you can about him starting now. If you stay with the phone in your hand, you will just waste your time. In addition, this will show him that you are not interested in his person.

Don’t talk too much about yourself – It’s your first date, but that doesn’t mean you have to tell him everything about you. Tell him few things just to provoke his curiosity. Instead, listen to him and let him speak as much as possible. It is important to be a conversation between you two and listening is an important part of it.

Don’t talk about your last relationship –  The first date is about your future. You don’t have to talk about your ex-boyfriend, because you’ll have the chance at other future dates to talk about the past. But if you start to say so much about ex, he’ll think he still loves you or reverse.

Don’t use too much makeup –  Be as natural as possible. It’s normal to want to impress him from the first date, but that doesn’t mean you have to be exaggerated with cosmetics. Choose a makeup as natural as possible.

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