
This is the dirtiest thing on a restauran

In general, the hygiene rules are generally very strict in restaurants and locals. However, there are some objects that are full of microbes, but they are not cleaned as often as it should. Most likely, many people haven’t even thought that this is the dirtiest object in a restaurant.

The dirtiest item is the menu! So you have to wash your hands immediately after you’ve consulted it because it’s full of bacteria. The pages of the menu are touched every day by dozens of people and no one cleans it, especially if it is made of paper.

The restaurant menu should be plasticized so that it can be cleaned at regular intervals. If it is paper, it should be changed from time to time. Some restaurants have tried to solve this problem. Every day they wipe the menus with a disinfectant. However, the menu will most likely pass through many hands, even after it has been cleaned, until the waiter brings it to your table.

The menu of a restaurant contains 185,000 bacteria, 16 times more than salt-cellar. This was demonstrated by a study conducted at the request of American television. Salt cellar is the second most dirty object in a restaurant.

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