
Types of stress relief therapies you can do at home

When you feel stressed and tired or when you notice you get sick more often, implement one of these therapies! The results appear in a very short time. You can apply these stress relief therapies at home or at work, depending on which one you choose.

Music therapy –  Anxiety, affective disorders or stress are easily controlled by music therapy, also called melotherapy. Therapists claim that music also has beneficial effects on mental health. According to them, music therapy helps to reduce the anxiety caused by various medical procedures.

For example, in patients with breathing difficulties or heart problems, their condition improved after only a few therapy sessions. As for children, music therapy can reduce anxiety before surgery or when  are separated from parents.

Writing therapy –  Writing the events that mark our existence is a real help both for maintaining mental and physical health. This is demonstrated by American researchers.

To reach this conclusion, scientists made a study in which they divided volunteers into two groups. Some people wrote daily, for one month, the traumatic events, and others, the just banal events of life. Six weeks later, all participants took blood tests. For people from the first group, the levels of antibodies, cellular and muscular activity have been considerably improved compared to others.

Just 20 minutes writing therapy relieves stress, strengthens the immune system and lowers blood pressure.

Laughing therapy  – After a healthy portion of laughing, you have all the chances of relieving stress and being more protected from illness and improving your immunity. Laughter therapy costs you nothing, but it has extraordinary effects:

– Reduces stress hormone levels, including cortisol and adrenaline.

– Increases the level of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that helps combat depressive episodes and defeat fatigue.

– It trains the production of endorphins, so it reduces the sensation of pain.

– Protects you from infections.

Drawing therapy  – Drawing boosts your focus. It will be an ability that the brain will become accustomed to implementing in other situations, such as at work. Therefore, you are more likely to be more productive.

If you go through a stressful period, even 15-20 minutes of drawing calms you. A drawing book and a pencil pack are not expensive, but they are more than just a relaxing method, because they transport you during childhood when you didn’t feel the pressures of adult life, and time pass slower.

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