Maybe you’ve noticed so far some hairs that grow in your ear and you’ve certainly wondered if it’s normal. Well, the answer is yes! Everyone has hair in the ear, which has the role of protecting the ear of dust and other things that could enter in the auditory channel.
This type of hair is called vellus, it is on the entire body surface, it appears since childhood and helps to regulate the body temperature.
However, when the hairs are thicker and visible beyond the ear, there are chances that you will suffer from a certain disease. Although a few hairs are normal, when suddenly and abundantly appear, you can face a fairly common illness. Are you curious about what it is all about? Find out below!
Some specialists believe hair from the ear canal that spreads to the ear lobe may indicate that you may suffer from coronary artery disease. A 1989 study conducted on Indian men, has obtained surprising results. They appear to be more prone to heart disease than men who have no hair in their ears.
However, this study included only men from Asia. So, more studies are needed to make it clear that hair in the ears is a sign of heart disease worldwide.
On the other hand, an article published in Scientific American suggests that men develop hair in their ears as they age because hair follicles become more sensitive to testosterone levels. Hairs grow longer and thicker. This theory would also explain why women don’t have such a change in ears as men.
In addition to these factors, it seems that ethnicity can also influence the way the hair grows out of your ears as you age. A 1990 study showed that hair in the ears is particularly popular with South Asian populations. According to Guiness World Records, the record for the longest hair in the ear belongs to Victor Anthony, a retired man from Madurai, India.
So, hair in the ears is normal and not at all dangerous. However, if it occurs suddenly and is quite much, it’s better to go to a doctor for a consultation. Also, with your doctor, you can decide whether and how you can remove it.
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