
What Does Your Fingers Say About You?

Key Packard, the director of the American Academy of Hand Analyzes, talked a bit about some of the secrets hidden in the look of our fingers. Today you will find out some aspects about your personality just studying your fingers. This article is also useful for you, because in this way you will learn how to read people around you.

What does your fingers represent:

The thumb represent  the road to success.

The index finger is the synonym of authority, vision and influence.

The middle finger shows the efficiency and evolution of a person.

The ring  finger is the creative part of the person, the independency.

Small finger shows how we communicate.

What does you fingers form says about you:

Round finger tips: You want harmony around and you hate to be disappointed.

Flat or squared fingers tips: You want everything to be precise, you hate if you don’t have a clear picture.

Spatulate fingers tips: You love the originality and don’t like routine.

Sharp finger tips: You like to put rational things on the second place, against mysticism and symbolism.

The space between your fingers:

Relax your hand on a flat surface or keep it comfortable position in front of you. If your fingers are detached, you are an independent person and open to new experiences.

If your fingers are close you are a protected person, cautious.

If the space between your middle finger and the ring finger is quite large, it means you are not an easily influenced person. If they are very close, you tend to rely too much on society.

Also, look at the space between the ring finger and the small one. If space is large it means you avoid important discussions and this could affect your professional and personal relationships.

But if the distance is average (compare the space with your friends), you are an independent thinker.

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