
What happens if you dye your hair during menstruation

You have often been warned that you shouldn’t dye your hair during menstruation if you want to get an intense color that lasts longer. This is one of the most popular myths about hair and hairstylists are always required to answer this question.

Because they hear all kinds of opinions about dyeing their hair during menstruation, a lot of women end up delaying the schedule at the hairdresser, because they think that this factor can prevent them from having the desired look.

During menstruation, a number of important changes occur in the body. When it comes to hair dyeing, some voices say that due to the hormonal imbalance at that time of the month, there is a possibility that the dye will not stick to the hair, and the color obtained may not be the desired one.

Hairstylists are required to permanently clarify this aspect, explaining that hormonal fluctuations don’t interfere with the hair dyeing process and don’t negatively affect it. To put an end to this myth, specialists explained that hair doesn’t have nervous activity, which is why menstruation cannot affect the coloring process.

With this in mind, beauty experts consider hair dyeing to be a perfectly normal thing and can be done no matter the time of the month. Even if there are situations in which the results are not expected, this is not related to menstruation, but other factors have a negative impact.

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