
What happens if you put vinegar in your toilet tank

Everyone tries to keep their homes clean and hygienic, especially in places like bathrooms or kitchens, where most bacteria are found. Because detergents are not always useful, it is good to know that there are also handy solutions that will help you have a clean bath.

To clean the dirt and disinfect the toilet with the vinegar, you need the following:
– A glass of 9% vinegar
– Baking soda or iodine

The recipe with baking soda or iodine:
Heat a glass of vinegar at 40 ° C, then mix it with baking soda or iodine. For 200 grams of vinegar, you need 1 tablespoon of baking soda If you use iodine, the proportion is 1 to 1.
After preparing the solution, turn the resulting mixture into the toilet tank for several hours. I recommend you do this in the evening, so the solution stays in the toilet tank overnight. To improve the result, you can repeat the procedure several times.

The method without baking soda or iodine:
Empty the water tank and close the tap. Wipe the inner surface of the tank with a dry cloth and clean with a cloth soaked well in vinegar. After 2-6 hours, you can clean the dirt with a sponge.
The vinegar will dissolve the limestone deposited on the toilet tank walls, will remove the rust and destroy the existing bacteria. Repeat the procedure twice a week to keep dirt away!

You need to know that vinegar is also used to remove odors. If you can not get rid of the smell of garbage cans, you can wash it with a solution made of half a cup of hot vinegar and two tablespoons of baking soda. After you will rinse it, the heavy smell will become a memory.

The vinegar properties in the fight against dirt:
– Dissolve limestone
– Disinfect
– Clean the metal parts of the rust
– Eliminates unpleasant odors
– Clean and deodorize the refrigerator
– Kills bacteria that cause dysentery and E. coli

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