
What happens when you wash your hair too often

Hygiene is an essential thing for our health, but many people tend to exaggerate when it comes to this aspect. Beautiful hair is primarily clean hair, and women know this and they often wash their hair daily to make it look flawless.

What happens when you wash your hair too often?
Hair washing has become a daily habit for many people, which is not appreciated by specialists. Even if the hair looks perfect every day and is easy to arrange, when it is washed too often, there is a risk that it will deteriorate and get that dull appearance, dry up and break very quickly.

Our hair is a living fiber and has a tendency to dry. If we lack the hair from moisturizing by excessive shampooing, it dries and the cycle continues, resulting in weak and damaged hair. This is why you should wash your hair less often to keep your natural oils where they need to be. There is no exact number of washes. This depends on the texture of the hair and the oils it produces.

The first sign that can show you that you wash your hair too often is the loss of it. If your hair is breaking too fast lately, this may be because you wash it too often.

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