If a man wants you as his girlfriend, you’ll see signs that he’s serious about you. When a man wants a woman, it shows in the way he acts toward her. It can be hard to tell whether he’s really interested in getting into a relationship with you or just wants something casual but when a man wants you to be his girlfriend, he’ll make his intentions clear.
You won’t have to guess how he feels about you if he’s really interested. All you need to do is notice the signs that he’s serious about you.
I’ll tell you all about them, but let’s first see what the things are that a man wants in a serious relationship.
You probably already know what you want out of this relationship, but what about him? What does he want?
A man wants to feel safe in a relationship, so he wants to know how much you care about him, just like you do.
He also needs you to respect him, not just love him. When it comes to loving him, he needs you to love him for everything he is, including his flaws.
He wants to be accepted and appreciated in the relationship and for you to always encourage him.
Men like strong women, so he wants a woman who can take care of herself and be just as successful as he is.
Most importantly, he wants you to be his friend, with whom he’ll be able to communicate and to connect on a deeper level.
Those are the things a man wants in a serious relationship, and aren’t they much like what you want too?
When a man wants you to be his girlfriend, if his intentions are serious, he’ll want these things from you.
Are you ready to be the girlfriend he has been dreaming of? We first need to see the signs that he’s serious about you.
Does he want to be in a serious relationship with you, or is he just playing with your heart?
These signs that he’s serious about you will help you figure it out:
1. He is honest
If a man wants you to be his girlfriend, he’ll be transparent with you.
He will express himself freely and talk about the future with you and those plans will almost always include you as a part of it.
He will tell you about his feelings for you and let you know just how much you really mean to him.
Does he talk to you openly and honestly? If he doesn’t, he probably doesn’t care about you as much as you would like him to and he might not be ready for a serious relationship with you.
Maybe he just has his guard up so pay attention to other signs as well to figure out the truth.
However, if he’s completely transparent, you can be sure that he’s crazy about you and he wants a serious relationship.
Honesty might be the most important thing you need to look for in a partner so if you have found an honest man, hold on to him, because his intentions are serious.
2. He wants to know all there is about you
Can he talk to you for hours about anything? When a man wants a woman, he wants to know everything about her.
Everything she says is interesting to him because it helps him learn more about who she really is.
Does your man always ask a lot of questions? If so, this is because he wants to keep finding out new things about you because he likes you so much.
More importantly, he will listen carefully to everything you have to say and he’ll also remember the little details you tell him.
Those details about you matter to him because he wants to know all about your likes and dislikes…
All the facts that are important about you are important to him too.
He’s curious about you… Discovering everything about you has become his favorite hobby.
Do you recognize him in that description? If so, you’re a lucky girl because you have found a man who’s genuinely interested in you.
If he wasn’t, he wouldn’t pay so much attention to everything you say.
Remembering things you tell him about yourself is a clear sign he wants you to be his girlfriend.
3. You know where you stand with him
Right from the start, he has made it clear that he wants to be exclusive.
You don’t have to guess what his intentions are because he has made it clear that he wants to be serious.
He doesn’t feed you those, “We don’t need to put a label on what we have,” lies, and you know exactly what your ‘label’ is.
You’re boyfriend and girlfriend, and there’s no doubt about it.
Even if you’re not yet officially together, you have agreed not to see other people. He made it clear that he just wants you and no one else.
Things aren’t open to interpretation because he doesn’t want to lose you to some other man so even if you don’t call each other boyfriend and girlfriend yet, if he has made it clear that he wants to be exclusive, it’s a good sign.
He doesn’t want to risk things and let some other guy steal you away from him and he’s also not interested in any other girl because he wants only you.
4. He sticks to his word
When he makes a promise, he keeps it. If he says he’ll take you out, he’ll not only do it but show up on time as well.
Don’t let anyone do otherwise, because if a man wants you to be his girlfriend, he’ll keep his promises.
Empty promises aren’t his thing, at least not when it comes to you and that’s because he would never let himself disappoint you.
He will become more invested, and therefore, you’ll become even more important to him.
He’ll do all that it takes to never see you disappointed in him.
Even if it happens that he does disappoint you, he will get upset and do whatever is needed to make things up to you.
He needs you to know that he’ll always do what he says he’ll do; after all, isn’t that the only way for you to truly trust him?
He sticks to his word because his word needs to count for something, and he would never let you down.
Is it obvious to you that you’re a priority to him? He never leaves you hanging because his intentions with you are serious.
5. He makes you a priority
If you feel like you come first to him most of the time, it’s a great sign.
Of course, it’s impossible for you to come first every time, but you’re clearly a priority to him.
Even when he can’t put you first, he still lets you know how important you are to him.
However, don’t think that being a priority to him means that he should forget about every other aspect of his life to spend time with you.
Not all of his time should be spent on you anyway. Such a relationship would be too codependent, unhealthy, or even toxic.
What I’m talking about when I say he makes you a priority is that you matter a lot to him.
Your wants and needs are what matter the most to him, and you’re an important part of his life.
He won’t do anything at the last minute, whether it’s making or canceling plans, unless, of course, there’s an emergency.
He would never leave you hanging, and he doesn’t want you to have to wait for him.
You don’t need to fight for some space in his life, because he always makes some space for you.
When a man makes you a priority, you don’t have to question or wonder how he feels because you simply know.
6. He shows you with his actions, not just with his words
Isn’t it so easy to simply say you care about someone? That is exactly why it doesn’t mean much unless actions prove it too.
When you want to know where you stand with a man, just pay attention to his actions.
If he’s serious about you, it will be obvious by the way he treats you and looks at you.
Don’t forget to look at what he does, as well. If he wants to be exclusive, he’ll delete his profiles on dating sites and stop all contact with his exes.
You’ll be the only woman in his life he’s interested in, so he won’t talk to some other girls he was thinking about dating.
To know if a man loves you, you need to check if his words match his actions.
Don’t be satisfied with just hearing he loves you, because he needs to show you, not just say it.
7. He is ready to settle down
It’s important that your man is settled when it comes to his life.
What I’m talking about is that he has a good job, owns a car, and has a savings account.
Maybe he’s considering buying a house, and he already has dishes in the kitchen and even cooks.