
10 Reasons to Drink Warm Turmeric Water Every Morning

Turmeric is one of the most useful spices, as it has strong anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-aging properties. This fantastic spice can be of great help in the treatment of numerous different health conditions.

The main ingredient responsible for all these benefits is curcumin. Its amazing effects and capacity have been proved by more than 7,000 published peer-reviewed scientific articles.

Therefore, turmeric water is one of the most medicinal beverages you can consume. In order to prepare it, you need to add turmeric to warm water and stir well.
Since the spice will fall on the bottom, you need to stir while you are drinking it as well, in order to obtain best results. Remember to drink the turmeric water warm.

Its consumption will provide numerous health benefits, including:

1.Relieves arthritis 

According to a study of RA patients conducted in 2012, curcumin has a stronger activity than diclofenac, which is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) in the treatment of pain and swelling in the joints.

2. Reverses Type 2 Diabetes.

A study conducted on the Auburn University and published by Biochemistry and Biophysical Research Communications in 2009 demonstrated that turmeric supplements may be of great help in the process of reversing diabetes.

3. Fights inflammation

Numerous Western diseases are a result of chronic inflammations. However, this spice has potent anti-inflammatory properties and fights the inflammation even better than certain anti-inflammatory drugs.

4. Improves digestion

The regular use of turmeric enhances digestion as it stimulates the release of bile.

5. Liver protection

This spice has also been found to be one of the most efficient foods for promoting liver health, as it prevents it from toxic damage and regenerates the affected liver cells. Moreover, it also stimulates the production of bile, boosts the gallbladder function, and reduces the engorged hepatic ducts.

6. Brain health

Research has showed that there is a strong link between cognitive disorders like dementia and Alzheimer’s and the reduced levels of a certain type of growth hormone, known as Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF). However, experts have also discovered that curcumin has a beneficial effect on the levels of this hormone, so it effectively reverses some brain diseases or declines of the brain functions due to aging.

7. Alkalizes the Body

This spice is highly alkaline, so it has an extremely positive effect on the body. Namely, the alkaline environment of the body is not suitable for the development of cancer, as it thrives in an acidic environment only.

8. Cardiovascular health

Curcumin, the active ingredient of turmeric, has been shown to discard the plaque deposits in the arteries and prevents blood clots.  The journal Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin published a study in 2011, which revealed the findings of a team of researchers from the Niigata University of Pharmacy and Applied Life Sciences in Japan. Namely, these experts discovered that the heart health of male rats, which were injected with an autoimmune heart disease, was significantly improved by the supplementation with turmeric within a period of three weeks.

9.Prolongs life and prevents aging 

Curcumin successfully inhibits the activity of free radicals and prevents inflammation, which are two of the most important factors for aging.

10. Anti-Cancer Properties

Curcumin is an incredibly strong antioxidant, so it prevents cell damage due to unstable molecules.

However, turmeric is one of the most versatile natural ingredients you can use in order to treat your condition and promote health. Therefore, try consuming it regularly and your body will be more than grateful!

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