
5 Simple Exercises to Tighten Loose Arms

Loose skin in the upper area of the arms is a frequent cosmetic problem in both men and women. In most of the cases, the skin becomes sagged due to aging or not enough physical activity. Luckily, the skin can be tightened with the help of certain exercises that focus on the triceps muscles.

When the triceps are formed, the sagging skin becomes aligned with the arm muscles and disappears. Take a look at these 5 exercises meant for tightening the arm skin:

Push ups

Begin in push-up position, on the toes and the body aligned with the head, whereas the hands need to be under the shoulders. Next, bend the elbows and lower them down close to the floor and then bend them backwards at 90 degrees at the bottom position. Maintain the body straight and when pressed back, the arms need to be entirely extended.

Triceps dips

Glide your buttock off the bench front while stretching out the legs in front of the body. Your arms need to be straight. Hold the bench with the hands apart at shoulder width. Afterwards, lower down your body and bend the elbows at 90 degree-angle, while maintaining the back near the bench. When your body touches the floor, straighten the arms and go back to primary position. Remember to keep your shoulders down the entire time.

Bent over barbell roll

First, bend the knees slightly and then face the palms down and hold a barbell. Next, bend at the waist and lean the body forward, but keep the back straight. While keeping your head up, the back needs to be parallel to the ground. The arms need to be perpendicular to the floor and the body. The barbell needs to hang in front of you. Afterwards, hold the body static and breathe out and raise the barbell. Hold the weight with the forearms. Then, squeeze the back muscles at the top contracted position and hold the position for a few seconds. Breathe in, lower the barbell, and return to the primary position.

Triceps extension

Begin in a standing position while your feet are at shoulder-width apart. Take a dumbbell in one hand and then raise it over your head and fully extend both hands. Your palms need to face up. Next, you need to lower the resistance in a semicircular motion behind the head until you touch the biceps with the forearms. Hold the upper arms close to the head and the elbows need to be perpendicular to the floor. The upper arm needs to be static and you should move only the forearms. Breathe in and then raise the dumbbell with the triceps and go back to the primary position. Breathe out.

Triceps dumbbell kickback

Hold a dumbbell in both hands while you keep your back straight and the palms facing the body. Next, bend your knees and the torso forward at the waist. While keeping your head up, your torso needs to be parallel to the floor. Point the forearms toward the floor at a 90-degree angle with the upper arm. The upper arm needs to be static and then you need to lift the weights with the triceps until your arms are entirely extended. Pause for a couple of seconds and then breathe in and gradually lower the dumbbells. Go back to the primary position.

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