It’s well known that the majority of Indian women worldwide always possess lusciously and long hair. Indian mysteries for their beautiful hair were given by word of mouth since ancient times. Indian people believe that you will find the answers to all questions for their beauty and health appearance in natural treatment of the hair.

Here are the 8 Indian hair-care secrets that will make your hair grow like luxurious braids:
1. Aloe Vera Juice
Our grandmoms used Aloe Vera as a perfect moisturizer to all skin types. It will take care of the hair and scalp as well. All you need to do is, to put freshly squeezed Aloe Vera mixture on the hair roots and rub it in gently with the fingers.
2. Rinse with Cold Water
You should replace the hot shower water with cold water while washing your hair. Rinsing it with cold water increases the blood circulation, so it results in faster hair growth.
3. Coconut Oil Massage
Pour some coconut oil in a bowl, and heat it for 20 seconds. Apply it on the scalp. Gently massage the head with your fingers, so that the oil gets deep into the roots of the hair. The oil nourishes the head scalp and cleans the follicles from the accumulated fats. Let it on a side for 30 minutes, and wash your hair with shampoo and rinse it as well. Repeat the whole process once a week.
4. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
ACV is a multi-purpose home remedy which can take care of your hair. It stimulates the hair follicles and will help you to get rid of dandruff. All you need to do is to swap your shampoo with ACV once a week.
5. Essential Oils in Addition to Coconut Oil
Indian people use a lot of essential oils for hair care. The best remedies are almond, jojoba, rosemary, lavender, and thyme. At first, they wash out the accumulated fat in the pores, and after some time that process repairs the damaged follicles.
6. Panthenol Hair Mask
D-panthenol is a synthetic vitamin B5. When absorbed into the skin, it normalizes the level of the epidermis. Among its properties: the revitalization of hair bulbs and the treatment of hair loss.
7. Protein Hair Mask
Hair loss most of the times is caused by a lack of protein in our diet. This weird trick will restore the amount of protein into your body and refresh the hair. Take two eggs, separate the whites, blend the egg whites and apply the resulting substance on the roots. After 30 minutes, wash it with shampoo – and check the fantastic results. Your hair will glow!
8. Less Washing
In order, to make luxurious hair healthy and glowing again, you should avoid harsh the chemicals contained in most beauty products, as they change the average pH level of your scalp skin. Reduce the washing sessions of your hair to 1-2 times a week.