
8 Signs You Had a Stroke and Might Not Know It. Don’t Ignore These Signs

If a blood vessel gets blocked in the brain or begins to bleed, you can become a high risk for permanent brain damage or death, as the brain requires blood flow in order to function. You have to act fast.

Symptoms of a stroke tend to get ignored, despite the potential for serious brain damage. It’s the 5th leading cause of death in the U.S. You need to recognize the signs in order to survive.Here you will learn about these signs as well as what will happen when a stroke occurs. You will also learn about the lifestyle modes for prevention and what F.A.S.T. stands for as this will alert you to get medical assistance asap!

Here are some symptoms:

  • Bad headaches or migraines.
  • Extreme fatigue, this can be the onset of a stroke.

More concrete signs of a stroke are the following which go by the abbreviation F.A.S.T. :

  • Face. The face begins drooping on one side.
  • Arm. The arm experiences numbness. It happens in one arm for more than a few minutes.
  • Speech. Difficulty with speech. Lack of blood supply can cause slurred or garbled speech.
  • Time. Meaning, time is of the essence for getting help.

Here are other signs:

Here are other signs:

Difficulty with vision in one eye. Double vision or blurred vision.

Confusion or difficulty with thinking properly. Part of the brain is not receiving proper blood flow and is starved of oxygen. Thinking straight becomes difficult.

Check out this video which goes into the details of what happens in the brain during a stroke and what kind of fast action you need to take once a stroke happens.

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