
Sperm Face Masks Are Becoming A Thing Now, Beauty Expert Says That It Can Slow Down Aging

People would try every new trend in fashion and cosmetics these days and have been going to extreme lengths to achieve younger-looking skin, from expensive lotions and potions to risky cosmetic surgeries. Therefore, if a procedure is said to make them look younger, many would schedule a treatment right away!

Namely, it turns out that sem*n is one of the best ways to get a youthful face, that is, at least, what Chelsee Lewis, a celebrity facialist claims.

She claims that her clients are not shy to have sperm rubbed on their faces. She explains that sem*n improves oxygen supply, and boosts blood circulation in the facial tissue, which in turn provides an instant glow. Lewis also maintains that sem*n brings about a ‘healthier’ skin appearance and slows down the effects of ageing on the skin.

Spermine, a compound in sem*n, is a potent antioxidant that lessens spots and acne, reduces wrinkles, and smoothens the skin.

If you decide to try the sem*n mask, you should collect the sperm, and rub it onto your freshly-cleaned face, and leave it on for 20 minutes to get completely absorbed by the skin. Then, wash it off by dabbing your face with cold water and wiping it with tissues.

Additionally, ultrasound has recently become a part of skin treatment as well. High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) face is a non-surgical face-lifting procedure, which uses high-intensity ultrasound on any saggy portions of skin to tighten and lift them up.

This treatment focuses energy to help stimulate the deep support layers of the skin without causing damage to the skin surface, and thus stimulates the formation of fresh collagen. This in turn tones and firms the skin, and leaves it glowing. Yet, the results of the treatment take a few months to show.

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