As the years go by, the number of the people suffering from problems like poor eyesight or hair loss is increasing each day. Both problems are just a natural result that is coming from the aging process and today there are many ways of treating them.
Also nowadays it is not a rear situation to hear that even the younger population is having the same problem. The good news is that they can be treated naturally. Eating a combination of certain ingredients will improve your vision significantly and will help your hair grow to like it has never before.
After several days of application, you’ll notice a significant improvement and you’ll feel much better. Here’s the recipe and how to prepare it!
-3 small pieces of garlic
-200 g of linseed oil
-4 lemons
-A kilogram of honey
Peel the garlic and put it in a blender along with the 4 lemons. Mix everything well until you get a homogenous mixture. After that, add the flaxseed oil and the honey into the mixture and mix it again well. Put the acquired mixture in a jar, close it tightly and keep it in the fridge.
Consume 1 tablespoon of the mixture half an hour before a meal, but make sure you use a wooden spoon! You need to take 3 tablespoons of this mixture a day, before meals. It will improve your overall health and it will definitely prevent numerous illnesses and diseases.