

After six years of raw vegan diet, Carly Fraser from Canada noted that her eyes have changed color. Friends and acquaintances of people were asking how did she do that so she decided to share her experience with everyone.

This is her story:

Six years ago she turned her diet on a raw vegan food, her eyes were dark green with brown spots. Now they are very bright, gray-blue with a little green and brown trim around the pupil. How did it happen? She got interested and decided to find out, so she began to dig deeper …

All this will probably sound strange to people who read this article.

Eyes are not the only the window to our soul but are also the window on what is happening inside our body. Color, purity and clarity of our eyes are a direct reflection of how much our body is clean from the inside.

Dr. Robert Morse, a specialist in detoxification, the great healer (has an 85 percent success in treating more than 250,000 patients) and Iridologist, makes a series of videos on how a raw diet can actually change the color of the eyes. Namely, iridology method of determining human health condition based on the color, line and spots in the iris of the eye.

The iris is like a map with markers by which it is possible to detect the condition of different organs in the body.

Yellowish color around the pupil is the main indicator of how toxic is your body – less yellowish means and less toxicity – and vice versa. If you are thinking about toxins and the things that you consume on a daily basis, it can actually be seen into your body through your eyes.

During her teenage days’, her daily meals contained a lot of chips, candy, pizza and other fast foods. Her mother always cooked, but the food was very greasy and did not contain the healthy ingredients her my body needed. She had big problems with digestion and she suffered from overweight when she was at the age of 8-15 years.

She switched to the raw, plant-based diet and digestion have immediately improved, and symptoms of irritable bowel are completely gone. Adding more fiber purified her body of toxins. She learned how to combine food and her digestion was much better.

In addition, the complete expulsion of products of animal origin, it was the best decision of her life. She has never had so much energy and never slept so well …

When she healed her body with raw food, her dark green eyes have become much brighter which is actually an indication of her health. But not only their color changes, dark spots on the iris disappeared.

What she wanted to tell with her story is that our eyes are a direct reflection of our health. She never thought it was possible for the eyes to change their color but that’s what it happened. And not only that her eyes look happier, but she feels happier and much better than before.

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