Diet & Weight Loss


Are you looking for a way to lose fat in a short time? If that’s true then you are the right place. Today we present to you a very simple diet. However, there is a warning for those people that find it hard not to worry. Namely, in this diet, you should consume a mixture of lemon juice and water every morning.

This diet doesn’t only help you lose weight, but it also brings about health benefits when you want to lose those extra kilograms. What you need to do is follow some steps and in two weeks you’re going to burn the unwanted fat and also detoxify your body.


The steps:

Day 1:

Drink a mixture of one cup of water with the juice of one lemon.

Day 2:

Drink a mixture of two cups of water with the juice of two lemons.

Day 3:

Drink a mixture of three cups of water with the juice of three lemons.

Day 4:

Drink a mixture of four cups of water with the juice of four lemons.

Day 5:

Drink a mixture of five cups of water with the juice of five lemons.

Day 6:

Drink a mixture of six cups of water with the juice of six lemons.

Day 7:

Drink a mixture of ten cups of water with the juice of three lemons. Add to it a tablespoon of honey and drink it through the whole day.

Day 8:

Drink a mixture of six cups of water with the juice of six lemons.

Day 9:

Drink a mixture of five cups of water with the juice of five lemons.

Day 10:

Drink a mixture of four cups of water with the juice of four lemons.

Day 11:

Drink a mixture of three cups of water with the juice of three lemons.

Day 12:

Drink a mixture of two cups of water with the juice of two lemons.

Day 13:

Drink a mixture of one cup of water with the juice of one lemon.

Day 14:

Drink a mixture of ten cups of water with the juice of three lemons. Add to it a tablespoon of honey and drink it through the whole day.

You are supposed to drink this mixture in one go. However, if you find it hard to do that, drink as much as you can and leave the rest for later.

DO NOT FORGET! Consume this drink at least an hour before you eat.

Note: People that have gastrointestinal problems should not practice this diet.


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